Science Investigation

Year Two carried out an investigation to see what happens when you don’t wash your hands before eating. We had 3 slices of bread: the control (not touched with hands), thoroughly washed hands and hands not washed. This is what happened after one week.

IMG_0187 Look at the germs on our hands!


The Lowry

What an incredible day at The Lowry! I am so proud of you Year Two.  You all displayed a wonderful attitude  and your  behaviour was exemplary. Thank you to all the adults who contributed towards a smooth running day.    Mrs Adamson

Lowry 2 001Lowry 2 002

Star Bloggers – Esme and Benjamin

I loved making the board game, we had to design a game and write the instructions. Then we played them together.  My game was called Bonfire Night. It was exciting and I have played it at home.


In Science we made telephones. We investigated how sound travels.

They were fantastic!
