Well done to my P.E group who tried so hard during Basketball, there were several successful skills demonstrated! Well done too to the swimmers, Mr Lyons is very impressed with your progress and how well behaved you are at the swimming baths. Keep it up!

We are learning to create our own algorithms in Computing this term. We are using Scratch software which can be downloaded for free at scratch.mit.edu. There is also a free user guide on the website, along with online tutorials.
I hold a free Scratch Club every Tuesday lunchtime which all juniors are invited to attend. This is a drop in session and places don’t need to be booked. If you would like to visit our blogs or use Mathletics, you are welcome to do this also.
Mrs Fairhurst
We have been learning how to measure in centimetres using a ruler. Can you measure any objects around the house? Remember our golden rules:
- always measure from zero
- measure from edge to edge

We have been enjoying our daily mile, if the children want to bring trainers to wear please bring in a named plastic bag and hang on their peg.
Thank you
Mrs Fairhurst

Welcome to Year 3 everyone and a special hello to our new boys Toby and Oliver! We will be keeping our blog updated with action from Year 3, live as it happens! Feel free to post a comment, we would love to hear from you.

We have been sorting facts about elephants for our Big Write report and having fun too!

Welcome to Year 6 at Woodfield Primary