This week in science, Year 4 have been using the electricity in their bodies to test the properties of objects around school.
We made a huge circuit around the classroom and then added materials to check whether the electricity would still travel to our Energy Stick.
The children really enjoyed testing natural materials in our Woodland Area too!
The children were fantastic at generating questions and using our Energy Stick to investigate the answers!

A mixture of Geography and History today for Year 4. We learnt about all the reasons the Romans had for building roads, then used atlases to plot these roads onto a blank map.
Fantastic job Year 4…this was a challenging task which needed lots of attention to detail and super map reading skills!

Over the the last few weeks, Year Four have been keeping their eyes peeled for grammar errors. They have been checking grammar on the television, in books, and on signs and posters.
Children who manage to find a grammar mistake, and can provide evidence, will earn their Grammar Police badge and have their evidence added to the crime scene.
Great work so far Year Four!
Welcome to Year 6 at Woodfield Primary