Year 4 have had a fantastic time visiting the Grosvenor Museum in Chester this week!
They had the opportunity to look at artefacts, took part in a fascinating workshop and then marched through the streets in full Roman attire. The day ended with some training on battle formations and a quick overpowering of the Celts (our lovely parent helpers!)
The children were absolute superstars. It was so lovely to hear members of staff from the museum, and our own parent helpers, comment on the children’s superb behaviour and their fantastic engagement. Y4 were even complemented on their subject knowledge and the quality of their questions! Well done Y4!
Children in Year 4 had a lovely day last week celebrating what it means to be British and reflecting on all of the ‘British Values’.
Year 4 and Year 5 partnered up for the morning to produce some artwork. They found words in newspapers that they felt represented the British Values and made a collage over a map of the UK.
They enjoyed having the opportunity to work with someone new and the results were fantastic! Well done to both classes!!

The children had a fabulous day during our Mathlympics event on Friday. They showed great team spirit and supported each other really well during the Bettle Drive. They then used their map skills to find and answer arithmetic questions which were hidden around the school grounds.
Great maths work and fantastic sportsmanship from all teams… well done Year Four!
Welcome to Year 6 at Woodfield Primary