What an amazing morning Year Four had last week enjoying Forest School in our beautiful Woodland Area. All the children took part in den building, knotting bracelets and cooking s’mores. They learnt how to light fires, make a waterproof shelter and of course swing from a tree! Such a lovely way to spend a sunny Tuesday morning!
Year 4 had such a lovely time visiting Mesnes Park last week. They played on the exercise equipment and the playground, set up games of football and cricket and sat chatting in the shade. All the children then picked an ice cream, which was paid for by their fundraiser money. So, a very well deserved treat for all their hard work!
Year 4 have had a fantastic time visiting the Grosvenor Museum in Chester this week!
They had the opportunity to look at artefacts, took part in a fascinating workshop and then marched through the streets in full Roman attire. The day ended with some training on battle formations and a quick overpowering of the Celts (our lovely parent helpers!)
The children were absolute superstars. It was so lovely to hear members of staff from the museum, and our own parent helpers, comment on the children’s superb behaviour and their fantastic engagement. Y4 were even complemented on their subject knowledge and the quality of their questions! Well done Y4!
Children in Year 4 had a lovely day last week celebrating what it means to be British and reflecting on all of the ‘British Values’.
Year 4 and Year 5 partnered up for the morning to produce some artwork. They found words in newspapers that they felt represented the British Values and made a collage over a map of the UK.
They enjoyed having the opportunity to work with someone new and the results were fantastic! Well done to both classes!!
The children had a fabulous day during our Mathlympics event on Friday. They showed great team spirit and supported each other really well during the Bettle Drive. They then used their map skills to find and answer arithmetic questions which were hidden around the school grounds.
Great maths work and fantastic sportsmanship from all teams… well done Year Four!
A mixture of Geography and History today for Year 4. We learnt about all the reasons the Romans had for building roads, then used atlases to plot these roads onto a blank map.
Fantastic job Year 4…this was a challenging task which needed lots of attention to detail and super map reading skills!
Over the the last few weeks, Year Four have been keeping their eyes peeled for grammar errors. They have been checking grammar on the television, in books, and on signs and posters.
Children who manage to find a grammar mistake, and can provide evidence, will earn their Grammar Police badge and have their evidence added to the crime scene.
Year 4 have been learning all about the Roman Invasion this week in History.
We then tested our knowledge by playing ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ on the EPods. The class enjoyed working as a team to answer questions and were delighted with their winnings!
Maybe children could test their parents at home? How much do you know about the Roman Invasion? Would you win one million pounds?
What a fabulous time Year 4 had learning all about food preparation, health and safety, and the importance of following instructions carefully.
Children got the opportunity to knead and shape dough into pizza bases, spread on their sauce and select and add their toppings. They were even lucky enough to eat their masterpieces once cooked!
On returning to school, the children produced fantastic, detailed instructions explaining how to make their individual pizzas – great job Year 4!