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Star Bloggers – Willow E. and Charlotte

I loved our visit toThe Lowry because we learned how to draw in a similar way to Lowry. I didn’t realise that I was so good at drawing!

Willow Eyre.

We have an amazing Chrsitmas tree and advent calendar in Year Two. Each day we pull out a name to see who gets the chocolate surprise before we go home.


Science Investigation

Year Two carried out an investigation to see what happens when you don’t wash your hands before eating. We had 3 slices of bread: the control (not touched with hands), thoroughly washed hands and hands not washed. This is what happened after one week.

IMG_0187 Look at the germs on our hands!


The Lowry

What an incredible day at The Lowry! I am so proud of you Year Two.  You all displayed a wonderful attitude  and your  behaviour was exemplary. Thank you to all the adults who contributed towards a smooth running day.    Mrs Adamson

Lowry 2 001Lowry 2 002

Star Bloggers – Esme and Benjamin

I loved making the board game, we had to design a game and write the instructions. Then we played them together.  My game was called Bonfire Night. It was exciting and I have played it at home.


In Science we made telephones. We investigated how sound travels.

They were fantastic!
