

Year 4 got ‘hands on’ today in science, recreating the digestive system so that they could follow the journey of the food we eat, step-by-step, through the body.

We heard some fantastic scientific explanations from the children. Super stars!


Andy Goldsworthy Art

This term Year 4 have been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy.

We spent time sketching, arranging and printing designs using natural materials. Then, last week, all the children produced some amazing arrangements on a large scale during our lesson in the Woodland Area.

The results were fantastic! The children spent time crafting, and redrafting their arrangements until they were happy with them.  I think Andy Goldsworthy himself would be impressed with these! Superb work Year 4!


Editing Stations

Year 4 have been working extremely hard this week to produce a piece of writing for Remembrance Day.

We used editing stations and children moved around the class, focusing on a different aspect of their writing at each station.

The results were fantastic! They produced some really mature, powerful writing. Well done year 4!


Morning Comes…

Year 4 have been busy writing group poems inspired by Grace Nichols, which they then crafted into performance poetry.

Fantastic poetry contributions from all children and some confident performances too! Well done year 4!

Poem 1 - Charlie JS, Thomas, Ava, Amelie, Liam, Anna, Maisie and Brooke

Poem 2 - Bethany, Toby, Ella, Jack and Willow E

Poem 3 - Benjamin, Louie, Danny, Charlotte and Meadow

Poem 4 - Josie, Emily, Lucy, Holly and Willow T


Homework Super Stars!

Year 4 have astounded us this half term with the time and effort they have put in to their amazing habitats, pyramids, river artwork, poetry and research!

This is just a selection of the amazing creations we have seen in class. Well done year 4!

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Outdoor Maths

Y3 enjoyed the sunshine as they worked on their times tables by playing the circle and ring game.  The centre circle scored them 8, the ring scored them 4 and outside the hoop scored them 3. They had to use their times table and addition knowledge to work out their totals.
