Writing homework

For homework this week, please post your own descriptive sentences about the picture below.  They can include adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs, similes and alliteration.  Everyone who posts will receive a golden ticket!


18 thoughts on “Writing homework”

  1. The dreadful dragon had finger nails as sharp as knives stabbing into it’s fingers.

    The dragon’s teeth was as pointy as a hedgehogs spikes.

    It has also got a mega long, bright pink and crazy thin tongue.

    His spikes long and large tail was enormous as big as a elephants ear.

    His terrifying , glow in the dark,ruby rosy red eyes flashed dangerously as a warning sign!

  2. This horrible dragon has ferocious, orange claws hanging out of his speckled fingers.

    Amazingly, silver saliva drips out of his mouth, six times a day.

    The mean looking, red eyes stare scarily at whoever it is fighting.

    His terrifying expression shows the anger in him as he roars loudly.

    His weird, yellow mane swipes across his face as he stamps across the concrete floor.

    Shockingly, his spiky tail hits somebody every half minute as he tramples over the grass…

    His bumpy, hairy chest has spikes hidden in him ready to shoot at you.

    (By Josie)

  3. The creepy and dreadful dragon had sharp knive stabbing claws that are used for stabbing any other animals that try to fight the drangon ,very quickly .

    The dragons teeth are as sharp as hedgehogs pointy spikes.

    It also has a pink,spotty and a weird tonge.

    His spikes long and his big tail was as huge as a bears head.

    His big red glow up eyes are so scary I hope I don’t see a dragon again.

  4. The terrifying creature has a dreadful red tongue dripping from it’s fierce mouth!

    His belly is as green as a frog and his neck is as scaly as a cobra!

    He looks as fast as a fox.

  5. The beasts roar from its fearsome mouth was louder than a rumble of thunder.

    It stomped so hard, it made the ground shake and quiver.

  6. Worryingly, this monster is the size of my house!

    This monster has a blood red tongue as long as a lizard.

    This beastly monster has claws as sharp as knives, and teeth like daggers to scare all his enemies away.

    Amazingly, I am not scared of this monster!

  7. The fierce ,scary dragon had a twelve foot tail with 12 spikes and slimy scales. His boisterous eyes were as dark as coal and very terrifying. It has a disgusting, purple belly and it rumbles like a giant shouting!

    His hairy, pink legs are as hot as California and as scary as a shark.

    He has arms as big as a monster and is as hairy as a sheep’s fur.

    He had green laser sharp teeth and could chew a human in one bite so watch out!

  8. The furious, fire breathing dragon made me jump so high I nearly landed on the rocky moon!

    His spiky red and yellow claws made a massive hole in my brand new t shirt.

    His fat, furry belly was as bouncy as a bouncy ball.

    The smelly, wet saliva dripped slowly onto my beautiful coiffed, curly hair.

    His Mohican was as spiky as a punk rocker.

    My body shook from the forceful power of his piercing, small, red eyes!

  9. The ferocious beast`s jaws screeched because he was hungry. His dry, rocky skin protects him from predators.

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