
*Grammar Police*



Over the the last few weeks, Year Four have been keeping their eyes peeled for grammar errors. They have been checking grammar on the television, in books, and on signs and posters.

Children who manage to find a grammar mistake, and can provide evidence, will earn their Grammar Police badge and have their evidence added to the crime scene.

Great work so far Year Four!


The Roman Invasion

IMG_2519Year 4 have been learning all about the Roman Invasion this week in History.

We then tested our knowledge by playing ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ on the EPods. The class enjoyed working as a team to answer questions and were delighted with their winnings!

Maybe children could test their parents at home? How much do you know about the Roman Invasion? Would you win one million pounds?


Papa Luigi’s Pizza Making

What a fabulous time Year 4 had learning all about food preparation, health and safety, and the importance of following instructions carefully.

Children got the opportunity to knead and shape dough into pizza bases, spread on their sauce and select and add their toppings. They were even lucky enough to eat their masterpieces once cooked!

On returning to school, the children produced fantastic, detailed instructions explaining how to make their individual pizzas – great job Year 4!


Celebrating Someone Special!

17C88144-1C07-4E2A-84AA-154263A41716All the children in Year Four worked extremely hard on their beautiful cards to send a thoughhtful message to their ‘Someone Special’.

Hand crafted cards and heartfelt poems – we were really proud with what the children managed to produce!


Fantastic Fractions!



Year 4 used their understanding of fractions to place lots of different improper and mixed number fractions on a number line.

What else could you add? Can you comment with the fraction you would add and where you would place it?



Class Assembly

Mrs Keeley and I were so proud of the way the children performed this morning in their class assembly!

Thank you again to all the parents that managed to attend – I’m sure you were all very proud too.

For those parents who weren’t able to make it this morning – you can rest assured that your children were absolute superstars!



Factor Pair Bingo!


Year 4 were competing for a ‘full house’ during maths this week, looking for factor pairs relating to the bingo caller’s numbers.

See if you can explain to an adult what we mean by ‘factor pairs’. You could even have your own game of Bingo!


Thanks a million!


Just a quick note to wish you all a fantastic Christmas and a lovely New Year.

Thank you ever so much for all the fabulous cards and gifts. Mrs Keeley and I are genuinely overwhelmed and are feeling very lucky to have been so spoiled.

The children have worked so hard this term, and have been a pleasure to teach. We hope they have lots of fun and lots of rest over Christmas and we look forward to welcoming them back in January.

Thanks again for all your thoughtful gifts, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Mrs Jackson & Mrs Keeley


Our mysterious visitor…


We have had a great deal of excitement in Year 4 this week when we discovered a mysterious figure in the background of one of our classroom photographs.

As we have been reading Spiderwick this week, the children have had some debate over whether our tiny visitor is a troll, a goblin or something else entirely!

Where did it come from? What does it eat? Where does it live? How does it behave?

Hopefully we will find out more about our mysterious visitor over the next few days!


Times Table Rockstars

Children from year 4 and year 5 went head to head last week in a battle of the bands.

The children worked as a team, answering multiplication questions to earn points for their class.

Children from both classes worked extremely hard and answered an astounding number of questions correctly. The final result was very close and both classes should be really proud of their efforts.

Well done Year 4 and Year 5! You rock!A011584A-96E2-4EEE-8C9D-56B55463D66C